I Gently Guide You To Create, Meditate, Explore, Move, Play and Immerse Yourself In All Of Our Senses With Connected Spirit, Mindfulness, Offering a safe space for embodiment, learning, healing, presence, empowerment and nurturing.

  • Music, Meditation & Painting Workshop

    Create Your Very Own Visual Symphony using meditation, inter-sensory experiences, movement, sound, and abstract painting techniques in an empowering, healing, and meaningful process

  • Chromotherapy-Releasing Your Emotions Through Colour

    Colours are complex as well as our emotions, they hold dynamic energy, impact, and alter our sense of perception. We are able to process them in many ways and they show up in our bodies and minds. Chromotherapy is an alternative, holistic form of therapy that uses light and colour to aid healing and spiritual enlightenment. During this workshop, I will open space for reflection, discover your feelings and guide you to channel your emotions through colours as a healthy release that will reflect and symbolise your feelings.

  • Explore, Experiment & Play

    Exploration and experimentation within the creative arts, nature, and play release a sense of joy that sharpens our senses and offers a greater sense of well-being and positive benefits for our minds and bodies. During these workshops, I guide and teach you through natural mark-making, relief printing and wilding techniques allowing your space to explore your own way of play and fun .